International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate

Healthy Buildings 2015 America Call for Workshops

The workshop should be focused on a topic of current interest and related to the conference theme.  The timeframe for a workshop is 1-2 hours. Workshop speakers should plan to take up roughly half of the workshop timeframe, with the other allotted time used for questions and answers. The due date for submission is March 15, 2015.

Please fill out the Workshop Submission Form here.

Current Healthy Buildings Workshops Being Developed:
•    US EPA Indoor Air and Climate Change Star Grantees Workshop: Meet and hear from the researchers who are working on research to improve understanding of the effects of climate change on indoor air quality and the resulting health effects.
•    US Green Building Council Workshop:  Come to this workshop to discuss the latest LEED Indoor Air Quality Procedure and other recent work from the USGBC.
•    Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Microbiology of the Built Environment Research Results Workshop: Researchers from both the microbiology and building science fields will present their work in the context of practical dissemination and implementation.
•    Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Microbiology of the Built Environment Study Methods Workshop: A panel will be convened of both practitioners and researchers to address how the microbiology of the built environment is currently being assessed with a demonstration of techniques that can be used by practitioners.
•    Real-World Building Moisture-related Investigations: Tips, Tricks and Traps:  Buildings and moisture are complicated. And the reasons & methods for investigating them are equally complicated, demanding that investigators use a wide variety of tools, techniques and skills. In this workshop, three experienced investigators will share some of their favorite tips, traps, tools and techniques for different types of building investigations involving moisture issues. The workshop format is interactive. In six (6) 15-minute segments, the workshop leaders will explain specific investigations and or tools that have proven useful to them in the past. Each segment will serve as the catalyst for different types of audience questions, and for the exchange of experiences and ideas about better ways to investigate problems in buildings.


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